Thursday, May 17, 2012


Exstremely Important please read....

Current mood:contemplative
Salaat means Pray, Prayer:

PAINFUL TORMENT AT THE TIME OF DEATH, IN GRAVE, ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT AND IN HELL. A hadith shareef, quoted in the book 'Qurratul'uyun,' declares, "If a person does not perform salaat though he has no good excuse, Allah ta'ala will give him fifteen kind of punishments. Six of them will come in the world, three will come at the time of death, three will come in the grave, and three will come when rising from the grave. The six plagues in the world are:
1-Person who does not perform salaat will not have barakat {blessings} in his life.
2-He will not have the beauty,the lovable ness peculiar to those who are loved by Allah ta'ala.
3-He will not be given reward for any good he does.
4-His supplications (duas) will not be accepted.
5-No one will like him.
6-Blessings that (other) Muslims invoked on him will do him no good.

Kinds of torment he will suffer when dying are:
1-He will expire in an abhorrent, unsightly, repugnant manner.
2-He will die hungry.
3-Much water as he may have, he will die with painful thirst.
Kind of torment he will suffer in the grave are:
1-The grave will squeeze him. His bone will intertwine.
2-His grave will be filled with fire, which will scorch him day and night.
3-Allah ta'ala will send him a huge snake to his grave. It is not like terrestrial serpents. It will sting him at every prayer time each day. It will never leave him alone any moment.
Kinds of torment he will suffer after rising are:
1-Angels of torment that will drag him to hell will never leave him alone.
2-Allah ta'ala will meet him with wrath.
3-His accounts will be settled in a very vehement manner, and he will be flung into hell. (May Allah save us?) On the other hand, we see that one who performs salaat five times a day his sins are forgiven. As it is stated in the hadith, Rasulullah (salallahu alaihi wasallam) asked to his (salallahu alaihi wasallam) companions: "If there were a river in front of one's house and if he washed himself in this river five times every day, would there be any dirt left on him?" We (Jabir bin Abdullah and other sahaba present there) said, 

"No, O Rasulallah." Allah's most beloved Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said, "Likewise minor sins of those who perform the five daily prayers are forgiven." Ibn Jawzi (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote in his tafsir Elmugni: Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) said that, "When the time of a daily prayer of salaat comes, angels say, 'O the sons of Adam, stand up! Extinguish the fire prepared to burn human beings by performing salaat.

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