Thursday, May 17, 2012

What exactly are muslims saying when they are praying?

what exactly are muslims saying when they are praying?

Current mood:contemplative

"Allah Hoo Akbar"

Allah is Great

"Subhana Kalla Humma Wa Bee Hamdeeka Wata Baara 

Kasmooka Wa Ta'ala Jaddoo Ka Wa La ilaha Ghairuka"

O'Allah! All glory is due to You, I praise You, Your name is 

the Most Blessed, Your Majesty is highly exalted and there 

is none worthy of worship You.


"Aaoo Zoo Billahee Minash Shaitaanir Rajeem"

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil.


"Bimillah Hir Rahmaanir Raheem"
Allah, in whose name I begin, the Most Affectionate, the Most Merciful.


"Alhamdo Lillahi Rabbil Aalameen Ar Rahamaanir 

Raheem Maaliki Yaomid Deen iyya Kana Budoo Wa iyya 

kanastaeen Ihdinas Siratual Mustaqeem Siratual Lazeena 

An Amtaa Alaihim Ghairil Maghdoobe Alaihim Walad 


All praise is due to Allah, the Sovereign Lord of all the 

universes. The Most Affectionate, the Most Merciful. The 

Owner of the Day of Retribution. O' Allah! You alone do we 

worship and You alone do we beseech for help. Guide us to 

the straight path. The path of those whom You have 

Favoured. Not of those who earned Your wrath and nor of t

hose who went astray.


"Qul Huwal-Laahu Ahad. Allaa-hus Samad Lam Yalid 

Walam Yoolad Walam Yakul Lahoo Kufuwan Ahad."

Say, He is Allah, the One. Allah is All Independent. Neither 

He begot anyone nor He was begotten. And none is equal to 

Him in any way.


"Subhaana Rabbi-yal Azeem"

Glory be to my Nourisher, the Most Great


"Samee Allahoo Layman Hamidah"

Allah listens to him who praises Him.


"Rabbana Lakal Hamd"

O' our Sustainer! All praise is due to You alone.


"Subhaana Rabbi-yal 'Alaa"

Glory be to my Nourisher, the Most High


"Atthayyato Lillahe Wassalawato Wat Tayyebato 

Assalamu Alaika Ayyohan Nabiyo Wa Rehmatullahi Wa 

Barakatoh Assalamu Alaina Wa Ala Ibadillahis 

Sualaiheen Ashadu An La ilaah illal Laho Wa Ashadu 

Anna Mohammadan Abdohoo Wa Rasooluhoo"

O' Allah! You alone deserve all veneration, worship and 

glory. O'Prophet! Peace be on you and the mercy of Allah 

and His blessings. Peace be upon us and on virtuous 

servants of Allah. I bear witness that none is worthy of 

worship save Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad 
(peace be upon him) is His chosen servant and His 



"Allah Humma Salle Ala Mohammadiyon Wa Ala Ale 
Mohammadin Kama Sallaita Aala Ibharima Wa Ala Aalay 

Ibarhima Inna Ka Hameedum Majeed. Allah Humma 
Baarik Aala Mohammadiyon Wa Ala Ale Mohammadin

Kama Barakta Ala Ibrahima Wa ala Ale Ibarhima Inna Ka 

Hameedum Majeed."

O' Allah! Send blessings on our master (Hadrat) Muhammad 

(peace be upon him) and the progeny of Muhammad (peace 

be upon him) as You did send on our master (Hadrat) 
Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) and the progeny of 

Ibraaheem(peace be upon him). You are, indeed, Praised, 

Glorified. O' Allah! Bless our master (Hadrat) Muhammad 

(peace be upon him) and the progeny of Muhammad (peace 

be upon him) as You did bless our master (Hadrat) 

Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) and his progeny. 

Undoubtedly, You are Praised, Glorified.


"Allaa-humma Innee Zalamtu Nafsee Zulman Kaseeran 

wa Innahu Laa Yaghfiruz-Zunooba Illaa Anta Faghfirlee 

Maghfiratam Min 'Indika Warhamnee Innaka Antal 

Ghafoorur Raheem."

O' Allah! I have oppressed my soul and undoubtedly there is 

no forgiver of sins but You alone. O' Allah! Forgive me and 

have mercy on me. Undoubtedly, You are the Most 

Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

Or this one:

"Allah Humma Rabbana Aatina Fid Dunya Hasanah Wa 

Fil Akhirate Hasanah Wa Qina Azaban Naar."

O' Allah! Our Sovereign Lord, grant us good in this world 

and the world hereafter and protect us. from the torment of 



Allaa-humma Innaa Nasta'eenuka wa Nastaghfiruka wa 

Nu'minu Bika wa Natawakkalu 'Alaieka wa Nusnee 

'Alaiekal Khaier. Wa Nashkuruka walaa Nakfuruka wa 
Nakhla'u wa Natruku Maien Yafjuruk. Allaa-humma Ei-

yaaka Na'budu wa Laka Nusallee wa Nasjudu wa Ilaieka 

Nas'aa wa Nah-fidu wa Narjoo Rahmataka wa Nakhshaa 

'Azaabaka Inna 'Azaabaka Bil-Kuffaare Mulhiq.

O' Allah! We implore You for help and beg forgiveness of 

You and believe in You and rely on You and extol You and 

we are thankful to You and are not ungrateful to You and we 

alienate and forsake him who disobeys You. O' Allah! You 

alone do we worship and for You do we pray and prostrate 

and we betake to please You and present ourselves for the 

service in Your cause and we hope for Your mercy and fear 

Your chastisement. Undoubtedly, Your torment is going to 

overtake infidels.

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